
Rasa Helm Charts

The official Helm Charts for Rasa products can be found here. To get started, they require:

Rasa Pro

Documentation for installing Rasa Pro with Helm can be found here.

Download the Rasa Pro Helm charts with:

helm pull oci://europe-west3-docker.pkg.dev/rasa-releases/helm-charts/rasa

Rasa Studio

Documentation for installing Rasa Studio with Helm can be found here.

Download the Rasa Studio Helm charts with:

helm pull oci://europe-west3-docker.pkg.dev/rasa-releases/helm-charts/studio


If you encounter bugs or have suggestions for these Helm charts:

Other Rasa Products

You can find our older Helm charts for other Rasa products here:

You need to add this repository to your Helm repositories:

helm repo add rasa https://helm.rasa.com
helm repo update


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Copyright 2024 Rasa Technologies GmbH. LICENSE.